Butterscotch popsicles

I didn’t run to make these I admit. Butterscotch is just not the most appealing popsicle flavor to me, very likely because I’m not big on butterscotch in general. But it works surprisingly well ice cold, as it reduces the sometimes overwhelming sweetness it has in other forms, like soft toffees, pudding, etc. Definitely a more grown-up popsicle flavor, but the kids (3, 5) eventually ate it as well after a bit of persuasion; they weren’t too excited about the color. Fair enough.


6-8 popsicles

Active time:

30 min

Total time:

5 hours


  • There is a lot of popsicle molds out there, and I’ve tested a few. I’m not not huge on he ones with many parts that may mysteriously disappear and require you to collect and reuse the sticks, like the IKEA type. I prefer the ones in which the molds are connected and can easily be cleaned in the dishwasher, and recently found these from Wellood that works really well.
  • The popsicles can be stored in the freezer by rolling them in parchment paper or in cellofan bags like these ones.
  • Tip: use a scale and put all ingredients directly in the pot while making this.


150 grams brown sugar (175 mL; 3/4 cups)

170 grams heavy cream (175 mL; 3/4 cups)

28 grams butter (2 tbsp)

7,5 grams cornstarch (1 tbsp)

370 grams whole milk (355 mL; 1 1/2 cups)

12 drops of vanilla essens or 2 tsp of bourbon vanilla extract

1/2 tsp kosher or flaky sea salt


  1. Combine sugar, heavy cream and butter in a pot and bring to boil over medium heat. Let simmer until it starts to brown slightly, about 10 min.
  2. Add cornstarch and milk and whisk thorougly. Let is simmer for another 10 min.
  3. Take the pot off the heat, add vanilla and salt and mix well.
  4. Let it cool down before you transfer the mix to the molds
  5. The popsicles need 4-5 hours to set i the freezer. Dip the molds in luke warm water for approximately 10 seconds before you pull them out. Keep them i freezer wrapped in parchment paper or cellofan bags.

Via Smitten Kitchens Butterscotch pudding popsicles.

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